2 to 2.5 HOURS
(3 to 3.5 hrs incl. pick up & drop off)
12 to 22 MILES
We can customise the perfect tour for single groups and private tours, depending on the bike abilities, skills level and needs.

Bonaly Forest and Reservoire, Water of Leith, Pentlands Hills Regional Park, Harlaw, Threipmuir, Glencorse Reservoirs.


Prices Per Person

Standard (Mountain)
Bring Your Own Bike

Tour is available for 1 person, however
will incur additional cost for fuel & travel.
Click Book Now for more info.

Children under 13 years of age must
book on Private Tours only

A Mountain Bike tour with breathtaking views, nature and fun!
We’ll drive towards Bonaly Forrest by shuttle van (just 15/20 min drive – 6/7 miles).

A mountain bike guided tour on the Pentlands Hills, a key feature of Edinburgh’s Skyline!

It’s an easy to moderate ride along gravel paths and single trail open to any kind of bikers ability, a safe and enjoyable scenic route.
At the end of the tour let’s go back to the city centre.

We offer many tours e.g. Glentress and Innerleithen, depending on your level – and they are customisable, according to you.

All of our Mountain Bike Tours can satisfy every skill level, from mountain bike gentle cruise tours to epic challenging routes, depending on your needs and ability, open to families, accompanying kids, small or big groups of bikers.

We carefully design our tours to give you the very best riding experience!

Take ThisTour Private

You want to discover Edinburgh and it’s surroundings or specific areas of Scotland in your own way?

You want to adapt the program to your needs?

Our know-how allows us to study and enrich your request for your exclusive customized bike trip.

Some of our Previous Tours

Our Other Tours

These fun and sporty ride tours offer opportunities for off-bike access to historical sites, special events, roads and bike paths of the city centre. A different way of sightseeing of Edinburgh, recommended for everyone!

Scotland is one of the best mountain bike playgrounds you’ve ever seen. This end of the UK is teeming with high singletrack race, forests, valleys, unforgettable lakes and meadows.

What are you waiting for?

The Adventure bike tour is about experiencing the best riding that Scotland has to offer. Challenging routes and some of the best landscape you can discover.
We have researched only the most exciting cycle routes for a trip you’ll never forget!